Secrets of a law firm leader

It was a pleasure to be interviewed recently by Amy Bruce of legal software company Osprey Approach. We discussed all things leadership, specifically:

  • How to build an effective leadership team

  • Characteristics of a good leader

  • Success measures leaders should use to track long-term success

  • Advice for future law firm leaders

  • Unique challenges facing law firm leaders

To listen to the one hour interview or read the synopsis, click here.

Simon Tupman
Emerging Leaders - Business 101 workshop

Emerging Leaders is a 6 hour business skills workshop for ambitious Senior Associates and Solicitors who wish to accelerate their career progression and become become more effective in their roles, both internally and externally.  Many firms now recognise the need to prepare senior lawyers for the next step in their career yet many of those lawyers are ill-prepared, knowing little about what is involved in making the transition from Senior Lawyer to Partner.

This programmes can be delivered either in person (preferred) or via Zoom. Pricing may vary.

Simon Tupman
The Leadership Imperative Masterclass

For 2024, I have developed a new workshop for senior legal professions; click on the link below to download an overview of the programme (pdf files):

The Leadership Imperative Masterclass is a 4 hour workshop for senior legal professionals (Partners, soon-to-be-made Partners and Law Firm Executives). The workshop explores the practical application of the four leadership principles outlined in Simon’s book ‘The Heart of Practice’ so that professionals can more confidently lead themselves, their people and their firms. Since its launch, this programme has been presented successfully to lawyers in New Zealand, Australia and the UK.

This programmes can be delivered either in person (preferred) or via Zoom. Pricing may vary.

Simon Tupman
Future Form Forum '23

The Future Firm Forum 2023 took place in Queenstown on 20 October. My thanks to Terri Mottershead, Karen Finch, Andrea Foot, Steven Moe and Matt Chisholm for sharing their valuable insights and personal stories. They all helped to make this a memorable occasion. My thanks also to our sponsors and supporters, ASB Bank, Fluid Recruitment, The BD Ladder, LEAP Legal Software APAC, Danni Bear, Centre for Legal Innovation, Trevor Slater, Sam Bassett and ALPMA: Australasian Legal Practice Management Association. Also a shout out to Sue van Schreven who popped by and who encouraged us to help raise funds for her charity Orphans Aid International.

Simon Tupman
ALPMA Summit 2023

I very much enjoyed presenting to delegates at the ALPMA Summit last week in Melbourne and having the opportunity to share my leadership learnings. It was a great conference with many amazing and informative sessions.

Simon Tupman
Law Firm Leadership Survey, August 2023

We have no succession plan at is hold on and hope a unicorn walks in the door to take over...the firm will die unless we innovate.’ - A quote from the recent snapshot survey I ran to assess leadership challenges among small to mid-tier law firms.

Among the conclusions, firms appear ill-prepared for the future; many are not being driven sufficiently by a strategic agenda or a business manifesto; several respondents report ‘identifying the next generation of leaders’, ‘succession’, ‘future viability’, ‘lack of unity' and 'consensus’ as being major challenges. To download the results, click here.

Simon Tupman
The Lawyers Weekly Show

I was interviewed by Jerome Doraisamy on the Lawyers Weekly Show about what lawyers get wrong about leadership:

‘Historically, Simon Tupman muses, the legal profession has associated strong performance as a practitioner with leadership capabilities. In an ever-changing professional services marketplace, he says, leadership in law must have a more all-encompassing approach — because good lawyers don’t necessarily make good leaders.

On this episode of The Lawyers Weekly Show, host Jerome Doraisamy speaks with Simon Tupman — a consultant, speaker and mentor to law firms — about what he believes law firms and legal teams are getting wrong when it comes to identifying leaders and why, whether poor leadership can cancel out any financial benefits that arise from promoting successful practitioners, and whether a revamp of business models in law will be required to better elevate certain leaders.

Mr Tupman also reflects on how flexible and adaptable leaders in law have been since the onset of the global pandemic and what they are getting right in the new normal, the need for leaders in law to be more holistic in their approaches, and the key principles he has identified that will constitute effective leadership in the legal profession moving forward.’

Listen here.

Simon Tupman
The four leadership principles

It was a pleasure to present the four leadership principles as set out in my new book at the IR Global conference in Bangkok last week. The event was attended by over 100 delegates from 50 jurisdictions.

Simon Tupman
The Heart of Practice launches in Sydney

It was a pleasure to finally launch my new book, ‘The Heart of Practice - leadership principles for legal professionals.’ in Sydney on 13 March. Although I am credited as the author, the book is a collaboration involving interviews with law firm leaders from around the globe. Thanks to Lisa Jacobs, Gavin Tyler, Sara Forte, Helen Mackay, Hayley Evans, Steven Moe, Demetrio Zema, Linda Woolley, Nadia Biles Davies and Robert Camp for their rich insights.

Simon Tupman
On the road again...

Yesterday was the first time I was able to do a public and in-person presentation since 13 March 2020! Thanks to ALPMA for the invitation and Anthony Harper Lawyers for hosting in Christchurch.

Simon Tupman
Vista articles by the Law Consultancy Network

This (northern hemisphere) autumn, my colleagues in the Law Consultancy Network and I put together a collection of thoughts on the critical issues and opportunities facing law firms in 2021 and beyond. We covered a broad range of topics, from diversity & inclusion, to building the cathedral and bazaar of knowledge, to a piece on flexible working.

My fellow contributors, Sue Bramall, Nigel Haddon, Helene Russell, Maria Jesus Gonzalez-Espejo , Simon McCrum, Andrew Otterburn, and Katherine Thomas, are all part of the Law Consultancy Network . I am proud to belong to this group of energetic and influential consultants across the globe, who help law firms adapt and thrive in our fascinating, fast-changing world.

Dip-in and take a look at our (northern hemisphere!) autumn collection here.

Simon Tupman
Law Firm Welfare Survey - October 2021

This is the latest Law Firm Welfare snapshot survey conducted by myself in September 2021 and follows on from the April 2021 survey I conducted to assess the impact of Covid-19 on law firms globally. The latest online survey aimed to identify how firms had responded in the past six months, what changes they had made, whether those changes were perceived to be permanent or temporary, how firm leaders had responded and the overall level of optimism given the uncertain state of affairs.

Simon Tupman
Law Firm Welfare Survey
law firm welfare survey simon tupman

This is a summary of a snapshot survey conducted by myself in March 2021 to assess the impact of Covid-19 on law firms globally. The online survey aimed to identify what had changed for better or for worse, whether the changes were permanent or temporary, and what changes firms planned to make to their operations as a result of the events of the past twelve months. Download your free copy here.

Jacqui Leigh