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My new book,
‘The Heart of Practice’
‘In a world awash with books about leadership (15,000 currently in print), precious few of them address the distinctive needs of the modern legal services business. So, this book by Simon Tupman is particularly welcome…’
I offer board-level support to firms looking to grow, develop and improve their legal business.
Bringing ideas, insights and inspiration to legal professionals so that they can develop a flourishing business and enjoy a rewarding life.
I offer the following services to law firms:
I conduct a review of your operations, often in preparation for a retreat in order to help you plan.
I facilitate firm retreats, forums, strategy days and get-togethers. Each retreat is customised to meet individual requirements.
I speak at conferences and events and regularly present workshops aimed at developing leadership, management and interpersonal skills.
I am available to firms for consultations on an informal basis, and as a non-executive director on a more formal basis.
I partner with a range of legal industry specialists to apply the right solution to your situation.